Monday, July 5, 2010

How to split a wish with the whole party

Our characters long ago decided that wishes would not be treated the same as the rest of the party treasure.  We decided to cast a wish that would benefit all party members.  We have our characters discuss what wish they would like to try, and then we hire a sage to word the wish for us, then we cast it.  Some of the things we have used wishes for, that we apply to every member of the party, include:
  • We all learn to speak a new language.  This is usually an obscure language because the purpose of it is to allow us to converse in front of strangers without them being able to understand us.
  • We all get a +1 on initiative.
  • We all increase base movement rate by 5.
  • We all gain +2 charisma toward members of the same race and opposite gender.
  • We all heal a little more quickly.
  • We all gain a skill point or two in a specific skill.
  • We all gain a bonus to a specific save.
  • We only need 4 hours of sleep each night to qualify as fully rested.
  • We all have a permanent affect of Endure Elements.
  • We all have a permanent affect of Freedom of Movement.
  • We all have faster swim speed.
Be creative, but try not to do too much with the wish.  We especially like some of the ideas that the characters would like (such as Endure Elements), that rarely has much impact on the game mechanics.

A mechanic for concentrating on multiple spells simultaneously

I understand the need for game balance, but I have long been disappointed that my spell casters can't cast one spell requiring concentra...