Saturday, September 28, 2013

Break a Grapple With Baleful Transposition

So the large monster has your friend in a grapple and he can't break friend?  What is a low-level wizard going to do?  How about trying Baleful Transposition?  This spell from page 23 of the Spell Compendium not only can cause two monsters to switch places, the monsters involved in the exchange cannot carry other creatures with them during the exchange; thus freeing your grappled comrade.

This spell is intended to swap an ally in danger with an enemy, placing the enemy in peril; but it can also be used to get your friend out of a grapple.

It only works on creatures of size Large or smaller.

Each creature involved in the exchange gets a Will save to prevent the swap.

But it still may be just the spell you were looking for.

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 3.5 rules.

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