Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trello Is A Great Tool For Tracking The Spells You Have Cast

I recently started using Trello to track which spells my cleric Tansen has cast and I just wanted to share that it has been working really well for me.  Some of the things I like about Trello is:
  • It is free
  • It is very easy to move the cards around
  • I can share my characters Trello board with the DM and other players in my group
  • It is easy to modify and customize the cards
Trello may not be the best tool for all types of spell casters, particularly sorcerers, but I think it works well for those that prepare spells.

As you may notice from the image above, Tansen is a high level cleric with a lot of spells.  I have a printed sheet that lists the spells he usually takes, but of course I have him change those sometimes to fit the campaign.  The first column of my board just lists the number of spells he has at each level, and those of you that play D&D 3.5 clerics know that the +1 represents his domain spell at each level.
The second column lists his first through fourth level spells that he prepared for the day.  I also include his pearls of power where appropriate because otherwise I often forget about them.
The third column lists his higher level spells.  Then in the fourth column I have the spells cast.  Those of you familiar with Trello no it is very easy to drag those cards from one column to another, and even a little bit fun to do so.
You can also see I added a little color to some cards.  The blue color I added for a few spell slots he gave up in order to get a special ability related to an item he carries.  The green color I add to spells that are currently active.  I am considering using another color, perhaps red, to denote which spells can be cast as swift or immediate.  I should also add a card for his metamagic feats.  He has the empower metamagic feat which he can use a few times a day, so I probably should add a card for each time he can use it.
Finally, in the column on the right I have some of the spells he often takes, but just did not take today.  When the day ends, it is simple to move the cards back to their respective columns.

If you have not considered using Trello as a spell tracker, I suggest giving it a try.  You could do a lot more with it if you took the time, such as adding more details about each spell to each of the cards.  It would be nice if we could pulls all the spells from a pre-made Trello board that had all of them along with their notes, but I don't think that is a feature Trello currently provides.

A mechanic for concentrating on multiple spells simultaneously

I understand the need for game balance, but I have long been disappointed that my spell casters can't cast one spell requiring concentra...