Friday, March 29, 2019

From D&D 3.5 to 5.0(5E) - 24 - Standing Up from Prone

It is a lot easier to stand up in D&D 5.0 than it was in 3.5.  Hey, everything is easier!  This change is simple.  Instead of requiring a "move" action to stand up as we did in 3.5, you consume one half of your move action distance while standing up, thus giving you the ability to stand up and move within the same turn.

If your movement is 30', you can stand up, then move an additional 15'.

If your movement is 40', you can stand up then move an additional 20'.  Apparently it is harder for Elven monks to stand up (taking 20' of their movement) than it is for Dwarven clerics who can stand up using 15' of their 25' movement and can then still move 10'.

If you want to move before standing then you are crawling and for every 1' you crawl you use 2' of your movement.  So if you want to cover much ground it is almost always better to stand up first.

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