Sunday, January 19, 2025

A mechanic for concentrating on multiple spells simultaneously

I understand the need for game balance, but I have long been disappointed that my spell casters can't cast one spell requiring concentration when they have another one cast.  One of the most iconic spells for a druid should be barkskin, but my druid never prepared the spell, because casting it would prevent her from casting other spells during the hour she maintained concentration on her barkskin (unless she dropped the barkskin spell, of course).

Wouldn't it be nice if she could cast another spell requiring concentration, while maintaining concentration on the first spell at the same time?

My first thought was to allow a caster to concentrate on a number of spells equal to their constitution modifier, but that leads to the ridiculous scenario where a fighter that takes one level of wizard could concentrate on more spells than a 20th level wizard.  I think a better mechanic is just to base it on level.  So, a caster could concentrate on a maximum of one spell in their class when their caster level is five or less, but could concentrate on up to two spells when their caster level is between six and ten, three spells between levels eleven and fifteen, and four spells between levels sixteen and twenty.

This does not imply that they could cast multiple spells in a round, but they could cast barkskin, which lasts for an hour, and cast another concentration spell later and have both in effect.  If they take damage, they could lose concentration on both spells.

However, this does add power to casters and giving someone both invisibility and fly as a sixth level caster could cause imbalance in the game mechanics, so perhaps other changes are also needed.

I am not sure, but I would really like to be able to have multiple concentration spells in effect at the same time.  Do you have ideas for how to make this work? 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Best Way to Roll for Hit Points

Here is my favorite approach to rolling Hit Points, especially for 5E.  

Per the 5E rules, you can roll the dice or accept the "standard" roll for each class.  Much discussion here:

However, I think we can have the best of both worlds.  We can roll the dice yet tweak the odds so our outcome is better than average dice rolls and our characters are not stuck with bad rolls.

The mechanism is simple.  Simply use the lower sized dice for your character class, but always add 2 to your roll result.  The minimum roll for everyone becomes a 3.

Wizard    d6    instead    d4 +2

Sorcerer    d6    instead    d4 +2

Warlock    d8    instead    d6 +2

Cleric    d8    instead    d6 +2

Bard    d8    instead    d6 +2

Rogue    d8    instead    d6 +2

Druid    d8    instead    d6 +2

Monk    d8    instead    d6 +2

Ranger    d10    instead    d8 +2

Fighter    d10    instead    d8 +2

Paladin    d10    instead    d8 +2

Barbarian    d12    instead    d10 +2

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Game Flavor - The Paladin that joins the Party thanks to his Find Steed spell

As the party travels along the road they notice a pony (or horse) up ahead that is off to the side of the road and appears to be watching the party approach.  After getting closer the party can see three dead orcs on the ground near the pony.  DC 10 Investigation to determine the orcs were killed within the last hour, but probably not within the last 10 minutes.  The orcs have standard orc gear.

The pony seems intelligent. It can nod or shake its head Yes or No in response to questions.  DC 10 Insight check to deduce that the pony wants to lead the party somewhere.  The pony wants to lead the party away from the trail into the forest.  If the party follows, they travel 5 minutes, then come upon two more dead orcs and also a dead (human/halfing/etc) fighter.  Upon further inspection, the fighter is not dead, he/she is unconscious.  DC 15 investigation reveals that one of the orc has been trampled to death by hooves.  DC 10 investigation reveals the fighter is actually a Paladin of (you decide).

Assuming the party cures the Paladin, they learn that he was attacked by orcs, and was defeating them despite taking much damage. He chased the remaining orcs and killed two more but then his steed was surprised by an orc and threw him to the ground knocking him unconscious.  Apparently, despite being startled, the pony killed the orc.  The pony is smart because it is an intelligent steed (Find Steed), not a real horse.  The paladin says he was thrown because his regular mount was killed recently and he does not have the same bond with this magical steed.   The Paladin is grateful and may offer the party information or even assistance as a fighter until they reach the city he was traveling to.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Game Flavor - Rapid weather change during an evening campout in the Wilderness

The party has made camp on a warm fall evening looking forward to a good night's sleep.

At this point, a DC 10 survival check predicts a warm, cloudless, windless, and moisture less night.  But during a ten minute period, the temperature drops and goes from a warm evening to a cool evening.

A DC 15 Passive Investigation check makes a character sense that the temperate has dropped pretty quickly since sunset.  After another 10 minutes some light clouds appear in the sky, and then after another 20 minutes the sky is overcast.

A DC 10 survival check predicts a light rain to start falling soon, DC 20 survival check predicts hail and strong winds.  After another 10 minutes the winds strengthen to moderate, and then over the next 20 minutes it begins to rain.

A DC 10 survival check predicts stronger winds and a cold wintry blast coming, a DC 20 check predicts hail and gale force winds.  A DC 15 Nature check suggests this is not natural.  A DC 20 Arcana check suggests this is a Control Weather spell.  During the next 30 minutes the temperate changes to cold, and in 10 minutes the rain turns to hail.  Within another 30 minutes the temperature becomes "Artic cold" which means below zero and the snow becomes sleet.

The party can choose to stay put and endure it, or to move.  If they move 2 miles they find the weather to be very similar to what it was when they made camp.  The cause of all of this is a powerful druid is trying to drive an infestation of salamanders out of the area.  The druid doesn't want to kill them, just make them want to leave as they were brought to the area recently and not naturally.  The druid is using the Control Weather spell.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Game Flavor - Blue-skinned NPC Sorcerer

The next NPC sorcerer the characters see in the tavern has skin that is a vibrant shade of blue.  This sorcerer happens to be a wild mage that obtained his or her blue skin during a wild magic surge.  Perhaps the party can offer to remove the blue skin (using a remove curse spell) in exchange for information or a favor.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Game Flavor - The Talking Toilet

The party of characters enter a new tavern looking for food and drink.  Have each party member roll a constitution save.  The party member with the lowest constitution save is the first to go to use the  toilet.  The toilet is the common short wooden bench with a hole in the center.  As the character exposes their private parts to the hole; a voice from the mouth of the toilet says "I'm starvin!  Leave me something good! I ain't had nothin but maggoty shit for three stinking days!" (The toilet hole has a Magic Mouth spell cast upon it).  If characters ask the innkeeper/barmaid about the toilet he/she just grumbles, "wizards". 

○ DM Suggestions:  The innkeeper will offer free room and board for the night if the party can get rid of the magic mouth (requires dispel magic).

○ DM Background: A prankster wizard (maybe sorcerer, the innkeeper is not really sure) cast the spell on the toilet after a billing dispute.

○ Since DMs rarely ask players questions every time players use the toilet, the players will no something is up.  If players behave differently than they would every other time using the toilet, then simply save the gag for a future inn/tavern.  If players cast detect magic on the toilet before attempting to use it, or if they decide they should go as a group or several party members should go together, simply have a non-eventful toilet trip and save it for a future time.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

From D&D 3.5 to 5.0(5E) - 26 - Aid Another to Give Your Buddy an Attack Advantage

If you feel like your character can't roll high enough to hit this monster, but maybe the Paladin standing next to you can, then you can forgo your attack action in D&D 5.0 and instead choose to use the "Help" action to help the Paladin hit the monster on her attack.  Simply tell the DM that you are going to put your thumbs in your ears, wiggle your fingers in the direction of the monster while doing a little dance.  If the Paladin then choose to attack the monster before your next turn, the Paladin will have advantage on her first attack.

A mechanic for concentrating on multiple spells simultaneously

I understand the need for game balance, but I have long been disappointed that my spell casters can't cast one spell requiring concentra...