Saturday, February 6, 2021

Game Flavor - The Talking Toilet

The party of characters enter a new tavern looking for food and drink.  Have each party member roll a constitution save.  The party member with the lowest constitution save is the first to go to use the  toilet.  The toilet is the common short wooden bench with a hole in the center.  As the character exposes their private parts to the hole; a voice from the mouth of the toilet says "I'm starvin!  Leave me something good! I ain't had nothin but maggoty shit for three stinking days!" (The toilet hole has a Magic Mouth spell cast upon it).  If characters ask the innkeeper/barmaid about the toilet he/she just grumbles, "wizards". 

○ DM Suggestions:  The innkeeper will offer free room and board for the night if the party can get rid of the magic mouth (requires dispel magic).

○ DM Background: A prankster wizard (maybe sorcerer, the innkeeper is not really sure) cast the spell on the toilet after a billing dispute.

○ Since DMs rarely ask players questions every time players use the toilet, the players will no something is up.  If players behave differently than they would every other time using the toilet, then simply save the gag for a future inn/tavern.  If players cast detect magic on the toilet before attempting to use it, or if they decide they should go as a group or several party members should go together, simply have a non-eventful toilet trip and save it for a future time.

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