Monday, January 5, 2015

From D&D 3.5 to 5.0(5E) - 8 - Passive Perception in 5th Edition Rules

The 5th Edition of D&D provides some rules for handling passive skill checks.  Passive checks are used for things done routinely or for checks the DM doesn't want the player to know about.  Each character has a score that can be calculated for their passive skill checks.   I think there are just two passive skill checks.  One is a passive Perception check based on your wisdom score, and the other is a passive Investigation check based on your intelligence.  Your character's passive perception is:

  • 10
  • + your Wisdom modifier
  • + your Proficiency bonus if you have the Perception proficiency
  • +/- situational modifiers applied by the DM , such as -5 to notice dangers when characters are traveling fast.

The observant feat gives you a +5 bonus on some passive skill checks.
P175 - Basics of Passive Checks P177 - Hiding
P182 - Noticing Threats

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