Saturday, February 14, 2015

From D&D 3.5 to 5.0(5E) - 17 - Preparing Your Wizard Spells

In my last post I was careful to say you have a limited number of spells until you rest again, instead of for the day, because in the 5th edition of D&D you can recover some spell slots during the day without an 8 hour overnight rest.  Under the ability known as Arcane Recovery, a wizard can choose to reclaim some spell slots after a short rest.  You can recover up to half your wizard levels in slots, rounded up.  So our 3rd level wizard could recover 1.5 spell levels worth of slots (round that up to 2).  The 3rd level wizard could choose to recover 2 1st level slots, or 1 2nd level slot.

Spell casters of many varieties start with a few cantrips, and in the 5th edition you don't have to keep track of how many cantrips you have cast because you can cast them every round all day long.  Cantrips are embedded in the caster's mind and don't require a spell slot to cast.  You can cast them at will.  No preparation is required.

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A mechanic for concentrating on multiple spells simultaneously

I understand the need for game balance, but I have long been disappointed that my spell casters can't cast one spell requiring concentra...