Saturday, February 7, 2015

From D&D 3.5 to 5.0(5E) - 10 - Character Backgrounds - A BIG change!

Character backgrounds may be the biggest change in the process of character building for those of us moving from 3.5 to 5.0, and it is an aspect I believe will be very helpful.  The 5th edition places more emphasis on pure role playing and less on game mechanics and character backgrounds assist with that.  You can create your own character background or use one of the character background templates provided. 

Character backgrounds don't just give your character a back story, they provide your characters attributes that measurably affect the mechanics of the game.
  • All backgrounds provide two skill proficiencies.
  • Almost all backgrounds grant the character proficiency with one or more tools.
  • Many backgrounds grant the character an additional language.
  • Many backgrounds provide your character with equipment in their possession.
  • Most backgrounds grant features to your character related to their background.
One background provided on page 139 of the PH is the Sailor.  Players that decide their character should have the sailor background will see that their character gains proficiency in the Athletics skill and in the Perception skill.  The character will also be proficient with navigator's tools and with operating boats.  They will have some specific equipment such as a 50' silk rope, and the feature they gain is the ability to find free passage on a ship for themselves and their companions.

All background templates also include a list of suggested Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws for your character to choose from.  As with all things D&D, you can work with your DM if you don't want to follow the suggestions provided in the template.

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